Ramadan 2016: Here’s All the things You Can And Can’t Do
Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard of this thing called Ramadan which started two days ago (Monday, June 6).
It’s the Islamic month of fasting.
But what exactly do Muslims do in this month? Here’s a quick crash course.
You can eat!
There’s a common misconception out there that Muslims don’t eat for the entire month of Ramadan.
If that were true, that would require an insane amount of willpower!
Muslims can eat and drink, but only from before sunrise, which is known as suhoor or the morning meal, and after sunset, which is known as iftar or the evening meal.
If you happen to be up after iftar until suhoor, which many Muslims who choose to go to nightly prayers or pray at home do, then you can definitely eat nonstop during those hours, although we wouldn’t recommend it.
You can eat whatever you want
Unlike Lent, Muslims don’t abstain from specific foods during Ramadan, other than the ones that are already prohibited, like pork products and alcohol.
Muslims can eat whatever they want for suhoor and whatever they want for iftar.
And given the diversity of Muslims around the world, everybody has their own traditions.
You can be careful about what you eat
Even though you can eat whatever you want, if you’re trying to get the most out of Ramadan, try to be careful about what you start your fast with and what you open it with.
If you’re South Asian, iftars tend to be very heavy, filled with fried deliciousness, like samosas, pakoras, spring rolls, and so much more.
And while they all taste heavenly, they don’t sit well in your stomach later.
Oily foods are harder to digest and can make you feel bloated, a feeling that is not fun if you’re trying to stay up all night to pray.
Instead, choose a combination of complex carbs and protein for suhoor, so you’re able to feel full longer.
Again, avoid oily foods, because you don’t want to be getting heartburn or burping all day.
For iftar, definitely break your fast with dates because it’s a great energy boost.
Then drink water slowly, and then begin eating.
After fasting all day, you probably want to pile your plate high with EVERYTHING on the table (trust me, I’ve done that), but going slowly will help your stomach feel better after being empty all day.
You can spread good
Ramadan is a time of purification of the soul.
It’s a time when Muslims love to do good deeds, whether that’s visiting the sick, giving to charity or donating clothes and food to those less fortunate.
It’s a month with so many blessings.
You can shower
This is another common misconception!
No, the water won’t enter your body through some sort of magical osmosis.
As long as you take care not to swallow water, you can definitely shower.
You can’t smoke
Because it’s something that you ingest through your mouth, if you smoke your fast breaks.
This also applies to all other drugs, whether inhaled, snorted or injected.
You can’t take medicine
This is more about popping Advil or Tylenol if you have a headache, or taking Pepto Bismal if you feel bloated (told you not to eat that last samosa!).
If you’re sick or taking medication for a long term condition then you’re exempt.
You can’t talk smack
Remember how you’re supposed to spread good?
Well, back-biting and talking smack falls under that.
Ramadan isn’t just fasting from food, it’s also a fast from bad deeds.
It’s supposed to make you self-conscious and self-aware, so think about everything that comes out of your mouth and ask yourself if it’s something good.
Try to avoid lying, gossiping, backbiting, being rude, swearing, and the like.
You can’t chew gum
As much as you might want to grab a stick (or five) of gum to get rid of that fasting breath, you can’t because it’ll break your fast.
You can’t have sex
Again, this only applies to during the fasting hours, not during the night.
You can’t drink water
This might seem like torture, especially for those of us fasting more than 17 hours in the hot months, but water is a no no.
But you can chug all the H2O you want during suhoor and from iftar onwards!
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