President Yahya Jammeh Rejects Gambia’s Election Result A Week After Concession Call

Gambia’s president, Yahya Jammeh has rejected the results of the just concluded election that put a stop to his 22-year rule.

This comes a week after the 59-year-old conceded to his rival, Adama Barrow on state television.

“After a thorough investigation, I have decided to reject the outcome of the recent election. I lament serious and unacceptable abnormalities which have reportedly transpired during the electoral process.

I recommend fresh and transparent elections which will be officiated by a god-fearing and independent electoral commission,” Jammeh was quoted as saying.

According to Al Jazeera:

Soldiers were seen placing sandbags in strategic locations across the capital Banjul on Friday, a development that triggered widespread unease among the already-spooked population, who had been panic-buying food before the vote due to fear of unrest.

Witnesses told the Reuters news agency that Banjul was quiet overnight, and that there was particular nervousness about the president’s statement that he would deal harshly with any troublemakers who took to the streets.

Senegal’s foreign minister, Mankeur Ndiaye, has also called for an emergency UN Security Council meeting, and “solemnly” warned Jammeh not to harm Senegal’s interests or its citizens in Gambia.

The U.S has also said that the rejection was Jammeh’s “egregious attempt to undermine a credible election and remain legitimately in power”.

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