Legislative Immorality! The Love tango Between Lagos Speaker, Obasa And His Protocol Officer, Nike Ajibosin

A woman is like a tea bag, you can’t tell how strong she is until you put the tea bag, nay the woman in hot water. You must be wondering what must have informed this phrase, but wait until you have finished reading this piece, published by themonentng.com.

It is perhaps the most juicy scandal,in the Lagos State House of Assembly,under the able leadership of Rt Hon Mudashiru Obasa.

By her position and designation as the Protocol Officer to the Speaker, Lagos State House of Assembly (LSHA), Mrs. Adenike Ajibosin is not supposed to wield so much power, which she now inadvertently wields, but the reverse is the case for plump and seemingly pompous ‘Nike, and she seems to be enjoying all that due to a leverage.

The reason gathered by themomentng, is not far-fetched, as she is allegedly known within and outside the Assembly Complex, to be in an illicit but coded affair with her principal, the Right Honourable Muda Obasa.Based on the that Nike,has the Speaker’s ears on any matter.

Ajibosin,we hear,has been using this vantage position to enrich herself to a very good end. Even beyond avarice, greed, self aggrandizement and eschewed bitterness, occasioning selfishness in most cases, her homestead is always besieged by lobbyists, contractors and general favour-seekers, who throng there in their scores to get assistance and favour from the Speaker.

The situation has become so worrisome now that the fear of Nike Ajibosin within the LSHA is the beginning of wisdom, and anyone who dares or queries her on any issue she has an interest in, must be doing so at his or her own peril.

“Protocol Officer Nike has become so powerful that even honourable members of the hallowed chambers deal with her at arm’s length for fear of not incurring her anger or wrath, should they step on her toes for any reason whatsoever,” an inside source disclosed.

Further speaking, our source made it known to us that Ajibosin is not the Special Assistant on Protocol attached to the office of Rt. Honourable Speaker from the governor’s office that is collecting regular salary. The original attached Special Assistant to the Speaker is one Mr. Lekan, who actually and still collects monthly salary from the governor’s office, but does not function.We hear he doesn’t even come to the office regularly because Nike has taken his duties.

As you read this,the gist that the unholy alliance between the Speaker and Nike,has broken her hitherto blissful marriage, is now a common knowledge within the Lagos State Assembly Complex. Information has it that, when the husband became confrontational to her on the d’alliance, without batting the eyelid,she to moved out of her matrimonial home, because she had no concrete evidence to defend herself on the illicit affair.

Even at that, Nike is moving on with her job unperturbed, without caring. We hear,she even become unguarded and un-secretive about her relationship with the Speaker, as long as the Number 3 man in the state still wields the big stick in the Complex.

According to themomentng.com,the furore created by Nike’s blatant arrogance and overbearing approach to issues has already created a division within the rank and file of the Assembly Complex’s staff and principal officers of the once united legislative House.

That is the power of a woman for you, if cunningly channeled, used and harnessed. ‘Nike is now looming large as the unofficial ear-piece of the Speaker and they are both enjoying the game, without let or hindrance from any quarters.A source was quoted.

Nike Ajibosin, we learnt, was only at the state secretariat for her Youth Service few years back during the tenure of the immediate past Speaker, Ikuforiji, where she did her primary assignment in the protocol office of the then Speaker. It was here she learnt the terrain and workings of the protocol office of the Speaker. She mastered the ropes so well that it was only natural to step into the shoes of a protocol officer when the yawning vacuum beckoned, and pronto she became the natural choice for the plum post. The melodrama is becoming more and more interesting, but the fact still remains that Nike Ajibosin is holding on tenaciously and jealously too, to this post. Keep a date with us as we unravel more on this!

Below is the response of the CPS to the Speaker on the mounting allegations, unedited:

Re: Legislative Immorality! The Tango Between Lagos Speaker and his protocol officer, Nike Ajibosin: The Response!

The aforementioned topic referred.

In the first instance, I want to express my appreciation to your medium for the opportunity to respond to these allegations. It’s the attribute of responsible journalism and I am impressed with your organisation.

Now back to the story and the allegations raised. The truth of the matter is that there is neither a tango nor a sizzling relationship existing between the Rt. Hon. Speaker and the Protocol Officer, Nike Ajibosin. The only relationship existing between the Speaker and Nike is that between a boss and his staff, the same relationship existing between the Speaker and all the staff working in his office.

It’s important to emphasise here that Nike is just one of the female career officers attached to the Office of the Speaker, hence, she is not the only female career officer working in the Speaker’s office. There are Mrs. Fausat Abimbola Raji, Mrs Chioma Anifowose and many other female career officers attached to the Office of the Speaker. And they all enjoy same relationship with the Speaker. The relationship of a boss and a staff. The same relationship we all enjoy with him. That all of us enjoy cordial relationship is a confirmation of our unity of purpose and that has been the major ingredient that has created a working synergy which has made our duties easy.

By virtue of her duty call, as the Protocol Officer attached to his office, Nike interacts regularly with Mr Speaker. If that is seen as an undue closeness to Mr Speaker, then what will you describe my humble self and his personal photographer who follow him everywhere he goes.

The Speaker does not award contract, so there is no reason for any contractor to lobby Nike for favour because there was no contract to be awarded.

On the allegation that lawmakers are frightened of Nike, there is no truth in it. The Speaker will just not allow it. Mr Speaker does not joke with respect for his colleagues. None of his staff dare disrespect any lawmaker, he/she will face dare consequence. For instance, few months ago, the Speaker’s PA had an argument with a lawmaker on a trip outside the country. The lawmaker felt slighted and reported the matter to the Speaker. The PA was suspended and it took the intervention of lawmakers particularly the affected lawmaker before the PA was recalled from suspension. The Speaker abhors indiscipline and not being respectful. All of his staff, Nike inclusive, know this and we don’t overstep our boundary.

It’s wicked to insinuate that the Speaker is responsible for break up in Nike’s marriage because the lady is still married. She has not divorce her husband, there may be problems which is common in every relationship, attributing it to Mr Speaker is mischievous and wicked. For the avoidance of doubt, Nike is still a married woman and there is no record that she has divorced her husband. People are just being mischievous and they will do anything at causing disaffection in a peaceful environment.

There was similar allegation last year that the Speaker took her to Ummurah (Lesser Hajj) when in actual fact, the Speaker attended the Lesser Hajj with all members of his family. And in actual fact, the lady has been going for Lesser Hajj well before Rt. Hon. Obasa became the Speaker.

I believe I’ve responded to all the allegations. However, if there’s any that I’ve not responded to or if any issue develops on this, please contact me, I’ll oblige you.

Once again I thank you for the professional way you handled this matter.

Thank you.

Musbau Rasak

Chief Press Secretary to the Speaker

2 Responses to Legislative Immorality! The Love tango Between Lagos Speaker, Obasa And His Protocol Officer, Nike Ajibosin

  1. Sofoluwe Kazeem says:

    People are wicked o!
    See lies on top of my speaker

  2. Otukoya omotayo says:

    This surely is no news!

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