Category Archives: WORLD NEWS
Justin Bieber Wants Us to Believe He Owns A Private Jet
Justin Bieber owns a brand new jet … is what he wanted us to believe — but we found it just ain’t so. Hell, the G4 private jet he flaunted on Instagram wasn’t even NEW!! But at least Beiber didn’t
This story is not about the competence of President Jonathan who we hold in high esteem as one of the best presidents Nigeria has ever had. It is a story of a rumor that has grown larger than life and
AirAsia Indonesia Pilot Fails Drug test – Airline
AirAsia Indonesia said Thursday it had suspended a pilot after he failed a random drugs test, days after 162 people were killed when one of the airline’s planes crashed into the sea off the island of Borneo. “I would like
Tragic Suicide Note By Transgender Teen Goes Viral
China to Give Parents of Wrongfully Executed Man $330,000
Ailing Saudi King, Abdullahi Admitted to Hospital
Saudi Arabia’s ailing King Abdullah, 91, was admitted to hospital on Wednesday for “medical checks,” the royal court said. The king, whose age and frequent hospitalisation have raised concerns about the future leadership of the key oil producer, was admitted
BBA Stars Barbz and Zainab Confirm Lesbian Affair?
Talks about BBA stars, Barbz and Zainab being lesbians have since gone viral. The ex BBA housemates who haven’t denied the reports recently shared photos of themselves kissing and fondling each other. Perhaps this is a confirmation that they are not
Kim Kardashian-West says She Smiles Less to Avoid Wrinkles
Kim Kardashian-West is known for her poker face which we often get the chance to see when she’s photographed by paparazzi and fans. However, you may not have known that Kim doesn’t just do it for the cameras. She recently
AirAsia Pilot’s Dad Last Saw Him At Other Son's Funeral
The father of the pilot of missing AirAsia flight QZ8501 told the BBC on Monday of his hopes for his son’s safe return. Captain Iriyanto’s father had last seen his son last week at the funeral of another of his