Godwin Emefiele Seizes APC Convention Like A Whirlwind

Heroes and comets have been reverenced for the same reason Godwin Emefiele is enjoying political idolatry. At the All Progressives Congress (APC)’s national convention in Abuja, the clouds parted as the heavens heaved to vet Emefiele’s candidacy for the party’s presidential ticket, en route to the 2023 elections.

For incontestable reasons, the incumbent Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) stands the best chance of giving the APC victory at the forthcoming elections, if he is given the party’s presidential ticket.

It doesn’t matter that he would be going head to head with rivals like ex-governor of Lagos, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, ex-Imo governor, Rochas Okorocha, among others, Emefiele is certainly the man to beat.

This much was discernible in the massive support and campaign for an Emefiele presidential ticket at the recently concluded APC national convention at Eagle Square, in Abuja.



At the event, lovers of the CBN governor from all walks of life and ethnicity campaigned openly, demanding that APC gives him the mandate to represent the party at the 2023 presidential elections.

The venue of the event was flooded with campaign posters of Emefiele while Arewa, Yoruba, Igbo, Tiv, Nupe, Urhobo, Itsekiri groups, to mention a few, passionately campaign for the CBN governor, tenacious in their belief that he is the next best thing to happen to Nigeria’s economic and political space in a long while.

Most emphatic and inspiring were their sustained chants thus dominating the APC convention, and making it an epic vote of confidence in the abilities of Emefiele to lead Nigeria.

Many of Emefiele’s key qualities are encapsulated in that key moment: his matchless genius, his sterling service, a soft voice and melodic accent, fierce determination, outstanding intuition, intimate knowledge of banking and economics, and calling a spade a spade without putting any of his cards on the table.

After a few years at the helm of Nigeria’s foremost banking institution, Emefiele has reshaped the bank and commercial banking in the country. His down-to-earth approach and keen sense of humor conceal a formidable will and the courage to take on skeptics for the good of Nigeria, her currency — and the world.

Emefiele hasn’t won APC’s presidential ticket yet, but he has won many battles. He is among the most astute of technocrats, the best among Nigeria’s public office leaders.

By many quantitative metrics, Emefiele may pass as the most unconventional Nigerian politician who would assume the presidential office. He epitomises a rare phenomenon seizing the political arena, less by his devices and more by the initiative of individuals and groups eager to put Nigeria’s leadership in the hands of the best man for the job.

The pro-Emefiele force is currently running the most unconventional of campaigns, blowing like a whirlwind to seize rallies, on the strength of the grit, brilliance and patriotism displayed by Emefiele in performance of his duty as Nigeria’s chief banker and economist. He is the man entrusted with the financial wellbeing of Nigeria and protection of her living standards.

And Emefiele has certainly shown that he is the best man for the job; the message was clear at the APC convention at the Eagle Square, in Abuja: No longer would mediocrity pervade Nigeria’s presidential office.

On Emefiele’s watch, Nigeria would prosper and attain monumental glories.

Of course, other messages were resonant through his campaign: with a President Godwin Emefiele at the helm of affairs, no longer would covetous cabals and shady characters dictate Nigeria’s sovereignty; no longer would decadent elites mortgage the interests of Nigeria’s citizenry.

Godwin Emefiele will resurrect Nigeria’s historical pride.

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