Mohammed Babangida’s Ex- Wife, Rahama Indimi, Defies Court Order Over Refusal To Return Kids To Their Father

In defiance of a subsisting court order empowering her husband, Mohammed Babangida, to be in custody of their  pending the determination of the custody suit which is pending in an Abuja court, Rahama Indimi has continued to keep the kids.

Not only has she continued to do this, Rahama has also taken to Instagram in a bid to use social media to justify her decision not to obey the court order.
Curiously, the same kids that Rahama is now fighting tooth and nail to keep in her custody were abandoned in Minna for three years by her while she relocated to Abuja. She was not there when her first child graduated from primary school in Minna.

Even as a mother, whatever the situation, she should have shown some form of concern for the kids in those three years but she didn’t, our source quipped.
The kids came to spend holiday with her after the close of the last term because their father believed that Societygists reliably gathered that she had at various times threatened him over the issue by stating that she knows that his family name was at stake and therefore he should cooperate, in vague reference to the fact that she could play exactly the same game she is playing now.
Since the court ordered that the status quo be maintained, the Police in enforcement of the order had tried many times to have the order enforced but she keeps blocking them. even when she was out of Nigeria, her sister who had the kids in her custody also played the same game.. Our source further revealed how in a bid to ensure that the kids did not return to their father Rahama had appealed the decision of the Abuja Sharia court that the status quo an initio be maintained but her appeal was thrown out by the Sharia Appeal court.

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