Olu Of Warri Kingship Tussle: Warring Princes Go Into Hiding For Safety
****Why August 21 Coronation May Not Hold

The coronation of the 21st Olu of Warri scheduled for Saturday, August 21, 2021, may not hold after all, The Point has learnt. This, according to sundry sources familiar with the matter, is not unconnected with the lingering feud, described as “unprecedented and unfortunate” in the history of Warri Kingdom. The tussle over who sits on the revered and ancient throne of the Iwere nation has progressively taken a turn for the worst with contending parties becoming increasingly implacable and unwilling to shift ground.

The last time the kingdom experienced a similar fate, it resulted in an interregnum lasting for 88 years, from June 14, 1848 to February 7, 1936, during which the Kingdom was without a King.

A fierce succession tussle involving two interested parties had erupted, almost immediately, after the passing of the immediate past Olu of Warri, Ogiame Ikenwoli, who joined his ancestors on December 20, 2020.

On the one hand was Prince Oyowoli Emiko, the eldest son of the immediate Olu of Warri, and on the other, was Prince Tsola Emiko, whose emergence as the Omoba and presently the Olu of Warri designate, is being disputed. He was first disqualified from ascending the throne in 2015, after the death of his father, Ogiame Atunwase II.

As the August 21 coronation date draws nearer, a cloud of uncertainty has enveloped the entire landscape and across the riverine skies of Iwere land.

A source blamed the seemly irreconcilable differences on what he called “dangerous intrigues of unprecedented proportion”.

The source declared, “Let us be clear about this, succession to the throne has never come without a tussle. But when it involves dangerous intrigues of this magnitude and unprecedented proportion that have so far characterised the tussle this time since the passage of Ogiame Ikenwoli, it is a clear indication that the Olu of Warri stool is heading for another long interregnum, except something urgent is done by the Itsekiri people, especially the elite, to halt the present drift.”

Court cases await determination

As of the time of writing this report, two major law suits in Warri and Asaba had been instituted and waiting to be heard tomorrow, Tuesday, August 3, in Warri; and on Thursday, August 5, in Asaba. They were both instituted against the selection of Prince Tsola Emiko as the Omoba and Olu of Warri designate.

In the first, Prince Oyowoli Emiko, the eldest son of the immediate Olu of Warri, Ogiame Ikenwoli, and his Uncle, Prince Bernard Emiko, who is the Olori Ebi of the Ogiame Erujuwa’s Ruling House, on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, approached a Warri High Court with a 17 page affidavit, filed on their behalf by Chief E.L. Akpofure, SAN of E.L. Akpofure & Company, seeking the nullification of the nomination and enthronement of Prince Utieyinorisetsola Emiko as the Olu of Warri designate. It is also seeking to stop his possible installation as the 21st Olu of Warri.

The second was by Ayiri Emami, the Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom, who also doubled as the Chairman of the Olu of Warri Advisory Council before he was allegedly removed by some Princes of the Ginuwa 1 ruling house, for what they described as disrespect and disobedience to their family. In the suit, filed on his behalf and on behalf of the entire Ologbotsere descendants of Warri Kingdom by Akpomudje, SAN, Emami asked the court to interpret whether or not the Ginuwa 1 Ruling House of Warri, has the powers to suspend him as the Ologbotsere, the Traditional Prime Minister of the Kingdom.

He also asked the court to further interpret the Traditional Rulers and Chiefs Edict of 1979, enacted by the former Bendel State Government, which is still applicable in Delta State.
He is contending that the Edict gives the Ologbotsere, as the most senior chief in Warri Kingdom, in the absence of a sitting Olu of Warri, the powers as the Ologbotsere and Chairman of the Olu of Warri Advisory Council to, among other things, announce the passage of an Olu of Warri, and summon a meeting of the Ruling House to the Warri Palace, (Agbofen) for the Princes to specifically choose a successor to the throne among themselves.

The Edict, he further argued, gave him the powers to supervise the selection process, especially the conduct of the Ifa-Oracle, up to the point of the crowning of the Olu of Warri, after all the processes stipulated in the edict had been strictly followed.

He contended that he was not allowed to perform any of these functions because of his purported suspension by some Princes of the Ginuwa 1 ruling house, and, therefore, concluded that the processes that threw up Prince Tsola Emiko as the Olu of Warri designate was faulty, null and void.


While the Ologbotsere’s case was adjourned to August 3, 2021 for hearing in the Warri High Court 3, the suit filed by Prince Oyowoli Emiko, who claimed to be the rightful heir to the Warri throne, was adjourned to August 5, 2021, for accelerated hearing in Asaba, the capital of Delta State.

suspension of Ologbotsere

The Ginuwa 1 Ruling House had in a statement suspending Emami as the Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom, said, “Chief Ayiri Emami, having exhibited actions and tendencies unbecoming of the position he occupies, and having proven himself unworthy of the Ologbotsere stool, is hereby suspended from the Warri Council of Chiefs. The Iyatsere, who is next in command, and in fact the most senior chief that accompanied Ginuwa 1 from Benin to found the Warri Kingdom, is hereby appointed the acting Chairman of the Olu of Warri Advisory Council.”

But the Ologbotsere would not have this lying low as he took steps to hold on to his exalted chieftaincy position. Apart from the suit he instituted in court, he also wrote the Delta State Governor, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa, advising him to boycott the forthcoming coronation of Prince Tsola Emiko as the 21st Olu of Warri, slated for Saturday, August 21, 2021, in Warri/Ode-Itsekiri, the ancestral home of the Itsekiri people.

In the letter, titled, “The Olu Of Warri Ascension Controversy: Needs Not To Encourage Illegality,” the Ologbotsere said all he did for which he had been allegedly suspended was just to ensure that all actions were “in keeping with the tradition and customs of the Itsekiri people, as it relates to the announcement of the passage of our king, Ogiame Ikenwoli, the Olu of Warri Kingdom, after due consultation with prominent members of the Warri Traditional Council, a process which is in tandem with the 1979 Edict of the defunct Bendel State, applicable to Delta State and strictly followed in the processes leading to the choice of Ikenwoli Godfrey Emiko as the 20th Olu of the pristine Warri Kingdom.”

In the letter to the Governor, Emami continued, “My principle was for the Itsekiri people to strictly respect the Edict, particularly after many prominent Itsekiris told me not to act contrary.


‘While the processes were ongoing, some persons hijacked it and created the erroneous impression that Itsekiri people no longer had respect for the rule of law and tradition of the people.”

He stressed in the same letter that Prince Tsola Emiko was first disqualified from ascending the throne in year 2015, immediately after the death of his father, Ogiame Atunwase II, when he first bidded for the Warri throne because his maternal lineage was Yoruba and not Itsekiri or Edo as a section of the 1979 edict specifically demands.

Okowa sues for peace, unity

Meanwhile, Okowa had, in April, condoled with the Itsekiri people in the state when members of the Olu of Warri Advisory Council formally visited him at the Government House, Asaba, although with Ayiri Emami conspicuously missing in that delegation.

Okowa had used the opportunity to call for peace and unity in the kingdom, saying, “It is only when there is peace that we can have development, not only in Warri, but the entire Delta State.

“I pray that the Itsekiri nation will continue to work for peace because he (the late monarch) was an epitome of peace.”
He had urged all aggrieved persons in the process of picking a new Olu to sheath their swords to ensure that everything was done peacefully and in unity in the overall interest of Itsekiri people.

Escalating intrigues and divisions

But Emami, on Friday, 23rd July, 2021, revved up his opposition to the choice of the Olu of Warri designate as he paid a courtesy visit to the Delta State Traditional Rulers Council, where monarchs were meeting in Asaba. He seized the opportunity to brief the traditional rulers about the goings on in Warri Kingdom. He reportedly advised the traditional rulers not to attend the planned coronation of Prince Tsola Emiko as the 21st Olu of Warri.

As if all these happenings were not enough drama already, Prince Tsola Emiko, who had yet to be crowned as the substantive Olu of Warri Kingdom, carried out his first function by installing Vincent Ebigbeyi Awani as the new Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom, purportedly replacing Emami, the incumbent Ologbotsere.

Prince Tsola Emiko, still in “Idaniken” hibernating, according to some Warri Chiefs, was not expected to take such an action, especially, when he had yet to be crowned an Olu of Warri. Some Itsekiri Chiefs described Omoba’s action as abominable, adding that such a thing had never happened in the 541 years of Itsekiri tradition and history.

An Itsekiri chief who pleaded anonymity because of security reasons said, “It has become very clear to all Itsekiris, at home and abroad, the reasons these people who wanted Prince Tsola Emiko installed as the Olu of Warri at all costs, chased out Prince Oyowoli Emiko, the rightful heir to the throne from the Warri Palace.

“In their desperation to occupy the throne of Warri Kingdom, whether the right thing is done or not, they must have their way.

“In theirs desperation, they almost killed Prince Oyowoli, the eldest son of the immediate past Olu of Warri, Ogiame Ikenwoli. Not done yet, they hurriedly buried his father, HRM Ogiame Ikenwoli, without the knowledge of Prince Oyowoli and his other siblings, so as to be able to carry out their illegal act to the fullest, which was to install Prince Tsola Emiko as a supposed Omoba.

“I am ashamed that before now, I sat in the Warri Council of Chiefs meeting with some of these people who are behind these disgraceful acts. This is desperation taken too far. Itsekiri has been reduced to a laughing stock as this is mockery to the ancient and prestigious throne of the Warri Kingdom.”

“Vincent Ebigbeyi Awani, whom Prince Tsola Emiko has just illegally made the Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom, is from the female arm of the Ologbotsere descendants. He is, therefore, not qualified to hold such a title no matter the circumstances we are confronted with. His father, Ebigbeyi is from Usele, a shameful history has been made in Warri Kingdom,” he cried.

Another Chief, Dr. Sam Omamuli, who is the Akulagba of Warri Kingdom, said he was shocked when he saw the illegality carried out. “I had no other option than to place the piece of news in the Warri Council of Chiefs WhatsApp group, asking, ‘Is this what we have all been reduced to?’”

“Chief Eugene Ikomi, who is the Secretary to the Warri Council of Chiefs and others like him, are pretending as if nothing significant happened,” he said.

Ibori, Uduaghan’s fruitless intervention

Two former governors of Delta State with their roots in Itsekiri Kingdom, The Point learnt, did their best to bring the feuding parties to a position of compromise without success. They are James Ibori, regarded as one of the power brokers and a major influence in the socio-political, cultural and economic activities of the state, and Emmanuel Uduaghan. Both were two-term governors in the state.

Ibori, it was learnt, consistently maintained a respectable distance and quietly observed the raging chieftaincy tussle since the outbreak of the crisis. His intervention has been measured.

Uduaghan, on his part, reportedly made several efforts, alongside other prominent Itsekiri sons and daughters, to resolve the lingering chieftaincy crisis without success. Understandably, several meetings were said to have been held at his behest and personal residence in Warri over the matter with no compromise reached, as the feuding parties held on tightly to their positions without any sign of yielding an inch to engender compromise.

Findings by The Point showed that Prince Oyowoli, the eldest son of the immediate past Olu of Warri; his uncle, Prince Bernard Emiko, who is one of his backers, have since gone underground and can’t be reached for now. This, it was gathered, was for security and safety of the individuals.

It was also learnt that of late, a new twist was suddenly introduced in which the Omoba and Olu designate started making overtures to pacify the aggrieved persons in the matter, perhaps because of the implications of a continued feud on the August date for the coronation.

However, his efforts, described by a source as “frantic and desperate” to reach out to his Uncle, Prince Bernard Emiko and his cousin, Prince Oyowoli Emiko, have been unsuccessful. The source said it was a move “for all to sit down and resolve whatever differences there is to the matter.”


But Oyowoli and Bernard Emiko are said not to be cooperating, because they fear for their personal safety.

Former Governor Uduaghan is also said to be reaching out. He reportedly appealed, cajoled and sometimes added subtle threats, where necessary, all to no avail.

But as the clock keeps ticking, an unhappy Uduaghan was said to have reported Ayiri Emami to Ibori, knowing that Emami was one of Ibori’s boys. Uduaghan, it was learnt, told Ibori that all efforts to track down Emami and reach him on phone had failed.

It was at that juncture that Ibori put a call through to Emami and asked him to see him on Friday, July 23, 2021, at his Oghara residence.

This, Emami did while returning from Asaba where he had gone to brief the Delta State Council of Traditional Rulers about the happenings in the Warri Kingdom, it was gathered.

A source privy to the meeting between Ibori and Emami, said that Ibori asked the Ologbotsere what was happening in his kingdom. The Ologbotsere took his time to brief Ibori about all that had happened, up to date, and the role every individual had played in trying to resolve the lingering crisis.

He was said to have, in the process, expressed his disappointment over the role Uduaghan had played in the matter so far. The Ologbostsere was said to have accused Uduaghan of overtly taking sides with Chief Johnson Atseleghe, the Iyasere of Warri Kingdom, who happened to be from the same stock with him, saying that, he, as the Ologbotsere, was not ready for anyone to play dangerous politics with the customs and tradition of the Itsekiri people, hence his decision not to pick Uduaghan’s calls over the matter again.

Ibori, it was learnt, pleaded with Emami to do all within his powers to ensure that the chieftaincy matter was resolved amicably in the general interest of the Itsekiri people.

tension soaked meeting

As part of Udughan’s attempt to broker peace, several meetings were said to have been held in his Warri residence but all ended deadlocked. A source narrated a blow by blow account of what transpired in a recent meeting that took place.

He stated, “On Sunday, June 20, 2021, a meeting was scheduled to hold at the Warri residence of the former Governor, Uduaghan. But because of the way and manner things were evolving, the meeting was hurriedly reconvened at the same venue on Friday, June 18, 2021.

“People present at the Friday meeting in Chief Uduaghan’s house in Warri, in no particular order, were Chief Gabriel Awala, the Uwuangue of Warri Kingdom; Chief Yayah Pessu, Ojomo of Warri Kingdom; Chief Isaac Jemide, Oshodi of Warri Kingdom; Prince Yemi Emiko, one of the power brokers and leader in the Ginuwa 1 Ruling House of Warri; Chief Johnson Atseleghe, Iyatsere of Warri Kingdom; Dr. Edeh, Dr. Ayu, Barrister Eroro Emiko, Barrister Toju Emiko, Chief Richmond MacGrey, Chief Thomas Ereyitomi, Chief Mike Odili and Uduaghan, who was the convener of the meeting.

“Chief Ayiri Emami, the Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom, could not attend the meeting as he was said to have missed his flight to Warri from Abuja. Hon Michael Diden aka Ejele, another prominent Itsekiri leader, was also not present at the meeting.

“The meeting began some minutes after 5pm and lasted for about four hours as it ended some minutes after 9pm, before the attendees departed for their supper in the same venue of the meeting.

“But the meeting that started in a cordial and convivial manner at some point became tense and explosive. Some of the Itsekiri Princes, who before now assumed the position of the alter egos of the Ginuwa 1 Ruling House, had their egos deflated, as they were for once told the home truth by a very animated Chief in the kingdom, who decided to put them in their rightful places as nobody has ever done in Itsekiri land.

“After the commotion, there were some semblance of reconciliations and exchange of apologies by the people involved in the quarrel.”

The Friday meeting, according to the source, began when Atseleghe, the Iyatsere, was asked about the outcome of the meeting the house mandated him, Emami and Awala to hold among themselves and report back to the general house.

Atseleghe was quoted as saying, “The meeting could not hold because Chief Ayiri Emami, the Ologbotsere has not yet complied with the directive of the Omoba, Tsola Emiko, who asked Emami to, among other things, write a letter of apology to the Ginuwa 1 Ruling House for insulting the entire Itsekiri people. That up till the time of the meeting, Chief Emami had yet to turn in the letter of apology. And when Chief Emami was asked about the letter, he said he never heard when Omoba Tsola Emiko gave him the instruction to write an apology letter to the Ginuwa 1 Ruling House.

“Even when Prince Yemi Emiko and others present at Chief Emami’s meeting with the Omoba corroborated what the Omoba said, Emami insisted he did not hear the instruction.”
Atseleghe, who kept on pushing his point, said, “Unless Chief Emami does the letter the Omoba asked him to do, there would not be any basis to meet with him in an effort to resolve any pending issue or differences.”

It was at this juncture that Atseleghe was reminded that Emami had not only personally congratulated the Omoba over his selection as the Olu of Warri designate, he had also promised to cooperate with the Atseleghe group to enthrone Omoba Tsola Emiko as the 21st Olu of Warri.

But Atseleghe would not have any of these arguments, as he kept on pushing that Emami must be made to do a letter of apology to the Ginuwa 1 Ruling House as directed by the Omoba. At this point, Eroro Emiko stressed that what was of utmost importance now was how to locate the missing crown, and the whereabouts of the two sons of the immediate past Olu of Warri.

Prince Yemi Emiko was said to have chipped in a word, saying that with Emami’s personal congratulatory message to the Omoba as the Olu of Warri designate, that should suffice and be taken as an apology. He added that it should also serve the purpose and be accepted as enough apology to the Ginuwa 1 Ruling House of Warri.

Yayah Pessu was said to have asked, at this point, the exact offence of Emami, which Johnson and others wanted him to apologise for. Chief Isaac Jemide again asked the same question.
At this juncture, Yemi Emiko was said to have revealed to the house, the grievances the ruling house had against Emami. According to him, Emami’s offence against the Ginuwa 1 Ruling House, were:

1. Preventing authorised persons access to the corpse of His Royal Majesty, Ogiame Ikenwoli for four months in the Warri Palace while he went about his businesses in Abuja.

2. That the Ginuwa 1 Ruling House felt very insulted when they wrote Emami a letter, and instead of Emami replying the letter, he tore the letter, put it in an envelope and sent it back to them.

3. When the passage of Ogiame Ikenwoli was finally announced, Emami countered the announcement, saying that Ogiame Ikenwoli had not died.

Prince Yemi Emiko was said to have concluded his submission, saying that it was the Ginuwa 1 Ruling House that gave the Itsekiri people a king, and as such, the Ginuwa Ruling House has the right and power to suspend Emami as the Ologbostsere of Warri Kingdom.

At this juncture, Jemide was said to have asked Prince Yemi Emiko, whether they acted in accordance with the laid down law or rules in their selection of the Olu of Warri designate? He was said to have asked again, whether Ogiame Ikenwoli eldest son, Prince Oyowoli was offered the throne first, as the person of first choice, before giving the throne to Omoba Tsola Emiko. And whether the Ifa-Oracle was consulted as directed by the 1979 edict?

Prince Yemi Emiko was said to have answered all these questions in the affirmative. In the cause of giving more insights into what happened and how Omoba Tsola Emiko was eventually thrown up as the Olu of Warri designate, Prince Yemi Emiko was said to have allegedly made derogatory remarks about Chief Richmond MacGrey’s family, especially his late mother.

Chief MacGrey, who was present at the meeting, became angry, roared like a wounded lion and went over-board. In the process, he descended heavily on Prince Yemi Emiko, saying so many unprintable words about him.


At the end, the meeting resolved that, to finally integrate Chief Yayah Pessu, the Ojomo of Warri Kingdom and Chief Isaac Jemide, the Oshodi of Warri Kingdom, into the mainstream of the Warri kingmakers, the Iyatsere should summon a meeting for Saturday, June 19, 2021, where all the seven persons he illegally appointed to replace the old kingmakers, would be present.

Johnson was also told to tell those people who were trying to resist the re-integration of the original kingmakers into the king making process to give up their positions without further ado.
Yemi Emiko, Edeh, Thomas Ereyitomi and Emmanuel Ewetan Uduaghan, were asked to witness the re-integration of the original kingmakers in the meeting the Iyatsere was asked to convene.

Unprecedented development in Iwere land

Spokesperson for the Ologbotsere Eyinmisanren Descendants worldwide, Alex Eyengho, described what was happening as unprecedented and unfortunate.

He told The Point that without prejudice to the matter in court, his opinion was that the Itsekiri people were known to respect law and order, fair play, equity and justice.

He said, “They are not known for taking laws into their hands. In this instant case, I believe that those who have gone to court want to err on the side of law and to that extent, I do not fault them. It is better to go to the court than go to street and take the law into your hand.

“But as an Itsekiri man, I am of the strong view that we shouldn’t have gotten to this level of being in court. I am not blaming anyone who has gone to court. It is their right. We shouldn’t have taken the Warri Kingdom matter to court. We have internal mechanisms for resolving these things as it used to be.

“But make no mistake about it, there is no time in the history of Warri Kingdom that you want to crown a King that you don’t have two divides, there is no time. It has always been so from time immemorial to the best of my knowledge.”

He added, “However, the moment the Olu designate emerges, the two divides always collapse to be one. And they work for the burial of the King that has gone to join his ancestors and for the coronation of the Olu designate.

“So, I can say on record that this is unprecedented; this is the first time in the historical trajectory of the Warri monarchy, that we are still having two divides even after the emergence of the Olu designate. It is unprecedented and I know why it is so and it is so unfortunate.”

When pressed if there was any iota of truth to a paln to have another coronation before the August 21 coronation, he said, “I am not aware of anything like a coronation before another coronation. I am not a kingmaker, so I can’t answer that. I am just an Itsekiri noble.”

The Olu of Warri title is one the oldest stools in present day Nigeria. Itsekiri Oluship in Delta State has been in existence for 541 years, from 1480 AD to date, and the Itsekiri nation has produced 20 Olus of Warri Kingdom from Ginuwa 1, the Benin Prince, who founded Warri Kingdom in 1480, to Ogiame Ikenwoli

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