Tag Archives: Club Quilox

Quilox Night Club Boss, Shina Peller joins politics

After many years of artfully dodging his people’s wish for him, king of night life Shina Peller has finally bowed to pressure to contest elective office. He has thrown his hat in the ring as the race for national assembly

Quilox Night Club Boss, Shina Peller joins politics

After many years of artfully dodging his people’s wish for him, king of night life Shina Peller has finally bowed to pressure to contest elective office. He has thrown his hat in the ring as the race for national assembly

‘Oritsefemi Came without prior Reservations, Beat up our Bouncer And pretended to Collapse’ – Quilox

Oritsefemi faced by an enraged crowd outside and perhaps realizing the gravity of his offense pretended to collapse. The artist and the bouncer were subsequently rushed to a nearby hospital. The Friday night fight at Club Quilox between Oritsefemi and